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(17 SEPT 2003)


French - English Message


La voix du Président Saddam Hussein se fait à nouveau entendre et somme les Etats-Unis et les Britanniques de quitter l'Irak dans les plus brefs délais : « La fatigue ronge les rangs de l'ennemi », affirme le dirigeant irakien dans un message diffusé par la chaîne Al-Arabiya.

La chaîne de télévision arabe Al-Arabiya a en effet diffusé ce 17 septembre un enregistrement audio du Président Saddam Hussein, dans lequel celui-ci appelle à la résistance contre les troupes d’occupation. Il appelle les Irakiens et les Irakiennes à intensifier la lutte contre les Américains en « menant par tous les moyens la guerre sainte contre les imprudents envahisseurs ».

« Ô peuple irakien, je vous annonce une bonne nouvelle », déclare Saddam Hussein dans cet enregistrement audio : « La fatigue ronge les rangs de l'ennemi ».

« Je vous somme de retirer votre armée, dans les plus brefs délais et sans aucune condition », dit le Président Saddam HUSSEIN en s'adressant au président américain George W. Bush. Selon lui, il est possible de négocier ce retrait avec les membres de l'ancienne direction irakien qui sont détenus par les forces de la coalition.

Le président irakien appelle également les Irakiens à poursuivre leur résistance contre les occupants : « O combattants, vous devez resserrer l'étau et augmenter vos frappes contre les ennemis, par les manifestations, les transcriptions sur les murs et la revendication de vos droits (...) et surtout par la lutte armée ».

Saddam accuse aussi le gouvernement américain de « mensonge » à propos des armes de destruction massive qu’il a accusé l'Irak de détenir, et appelle le Conseil de sécurité et les pays arabes à revoir leur position vis-à-vis de la situation en Irak.


Extraits du message du Président Saddam Hussein :

« Je vous somme de retirer votre armée, dans les plus brefs délais et sans aucune condition, parce que rien ne justifie davantage de pertes qui seront catastrophiques pour l'Amérique ».

« Votre retrait de notre pays est inéluctable, si ce n'est pas aujourd'hui, ce sera demain (...). Notre objectif n'est pas de tuer davantage d'enfants du peuple américain, britannique ou autre ».

« Si vous voulez donc négocier les modalités du retrait (...) vous pouvez engager le dialogue à ce sujet avec les responsables du commandement irakien qui sont détenus par votre armée, comme prisonniers de guerre ».

Les deux parties doivent « assurer la sécurité des soldats de la coalition durant leur retrait ».

Poursuivre la résistance contre les occupants :

« L'ennemi commence à s'effondrer et le jour où il ne pourra même plus récupérer ses équipements militaires est proche ».

« Combattants, vous devez resserrer l'étau et multiplier vos frappes contre les ennemis, par les manifestations, les transcriptions sur les murs et la revendication de vos droits (...) et surtout par la lutte armée ».

Le gouvernement américain a « menti » à propos des armes de destruction massive qu'il a accusé l'Irak de détenir :

« Je dis à Bush, au nom du peuple irakien: vous avez menti à vous-même, à votre peuple et au monde entier ».

« Je dis aussi au Conseil de sécurité : les vérités ont été dévoilées, malgré les tentatives de l'administration américaine de les camoufler (...) Nous espérons donc que le Conseil ne se laissera plus tromper par la politique américaine sombre ».

Sur le gouvernement légitime de l’Irak :

« Le peuple irakien et sa direction refuseront toute décision prise sous l'occupation. Nous considèrerons toute solution à l'ombre de l'occupation comme une tromperie » (dans une référence implicite au Conseil fantoche du gouvernement irakien, mis en place en juillet sous la houlette des Etats-Unis).

« Celui qui représente vraiment le peuple irakien c'est sa direction, avec à sa tête son président Saddam Hussein, qui avait été élu lors des élections libres et directes en 2002 ».

« Celui qui feint d'ignorer cela (...) n'a qu'à écouter la voix des Moudjahiddines (combattants) répéter, en pleine action (de résistance) : Par notre âme, par notre sang, nous nous sacrifions pour toi Saddam ».


(Traduction et mise en forme : Service de Presse du PCN-NCP)


English version : 


An audiotape from Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein Urges Resistance and has called on men and women in the country to step up the fight against its American occupiers. The message, broadcast by Arabic television channel al-Arabiya, demands that the United States unconditionally withdraws its troops from Iraq. Speaking to Iraqis, President Saddam Hussein said he was bringing "pleasant news": "The losses have begun to eat away at the enemy like wildfire...you must increase your grip and armed struggle." He called on Iraqis to unite against the U.S.-led occupation, saying "We are one people, born as one and we fight as one."

The voice urges Iraqis to "wage holy war by all means against the foolish invaders". The speaker ends the latest tape by giving the date "mid-September".

Saddam urged US forces to withdraw "without any conditions" or face "catastrophic losses"."Your withdrawal from our country is inevitable, whether it happens today or tomorrow, and tomorrow will come soon."

It also calls on Iraqis to "tighten the noose around the Americans and increase your attacks against them. You must conduct jihad [holy war] by all means possible, financial and otherwise."

Saddam castigates the United Nations for being led by the "unjust" United States. "Know that Iraq and its leaders will refuse any solution that is made while the country is under the shadow of occupation. We will consider it to be a ruse".

Saddam also called on Iraqis to take to the streets in demonstrations against the occupation, to "beat the walls in protest" and to donate money to the resistance.

He said the U.N. Security Council should continue shunning American attempts to win international approval for its actions in Iraq. "To the Security Council, I say that the full truth has been unveiled to you as (it has been) to international public opinion concerning the American administration's attempts to fake facts and hide the figures of its losses. We hope that none of the Security members will fall into the dark traps of America's policy." Saddam also rapped the United Nations for being led by the "unjust" United States. "Know that Iraq and its leaders will refuse any solution that is made while the country is under the shadow of occupation. We will consider it to be a ruse," it added.

U.S. forces in Iraq have been plagued by guerrilla attacks from Ba’ath and Saddam followers since late April, hampering efforts to rebuild the country. In an interview published on this september 17, the commander of the U.S.-led coalition in Iraq, Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez, told The Times newspaper in London that “American soldiers now also face revenge attacks from ordinary Iraqis angered by the occupation”. The National resistance is on march in Iraq !


Excerpts from the new audio tape of Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein, broadcast on Al-Arabiya TV :

“In a previous statement, I brought you the good news about the imminent beginning of the fall of the enemy ranks. Now I bring you the good news through which the Almighty God has brought happiness into the hearts of mujahideen and every zealous man and glorious woman.

I say that erosion has begun to eat up the enemy ranks, just as fire spreads in hay. The day when they [enemies] will not be able to even rescue their military equipment is near, God willing. In fact, it is approaching quickly.

O Mujahideen, Iraqis, and glorious women, you must tighten the grip around and increase your attacks against yur enemies to make them lose their balance. This can be achieved by shouting slogans, staging demonstrations, writing on walls, calling for attaining your rights - including the very smaoll ones - and carrying out jihad by donating money.

The crown of all this is armed jihad and the painful strikes that make the heads that are empty of wisdom and faith wake up and resign to God's ordains regarding the plain right. The base of all this after Almighty God has ordained all that make you proud is to safeguard the people's unity and solidarity, and not to listen to the voice of Zionism and occupation, which is fomenting sedition...”

The 'lies' of President Bush :

“To the US president, I say in the name of the great people of Iraq, that you lied to yourself, to your people, and to all others. You did this along with those who got involved with you. Or there might be some who lied to you, but you believed those lies after you were tempted to do some action. You even changed your slogans and the reasons you used several times as a pretext for your hostile military campaign against our country.

Just as Zionism implicated you and US foreign policy in antagonising the Islamic and Arab nations and in belittling the world, it implicated you in antagonising Iraq and launching an aggression against it.

In order not to speak at great length, we say that the scandal of those who made lies and your implication in the dilemma of aggression against mujahideen great Iraq and the size of losses inflicted on your army, whose powerlessness has become evident because it has no honourable cause in face of the people of civilizations, principles, and position in defence of any honour and honourable thing, make your declaration of defeat in an official and open way and your withdrawal from our country something inevitable, if not today it will be tomorrow, and tomorrow is so close, God willing...”

US should discuss 'withdrawal arrangements' :

“Therefore, we ask you to withdraw your armies as soon as possible, and unconditionally, because there is no reason for further losses, which will be catastrophic to the United States, if your officials - including you - show intransigence and continue with their aggression and hostility.

If you want to discuss the withdrawal arrangements, after you decide to make an unconditional withdrawal, which should not be a cover for a ploy, then you have some of the officials in the [Iraqi] leadership arrested by your army as prisoners of war in Iraq. They are well known on the international level, as much as they are known among their people and the Mujahideen.

Based on this, you can contact them and hold a suitable dialogue on this, in a manner that can guarantee the security of your soldiers during the withdrawal, according to any agreements reached by the two parties”.

Warns Security Council members :

“As for the Security Council, I say: Facts have been completely revealed to you as they have been revealed to the international public opinion despite the US Administration's attempts to twist facts and hide those that expose it.

Therefore, we hope that no one of the Security Council members will slide into the pitfalls of the dark US policies. You should also know that the people of Iraq and its leadership will reject any solution that is proposed in light of the occupation. Moreover, we will consider any solution in light of the occupation as a mere exposed ploy that aims to apply the basic objective of the occupation and occupiers.

Therefore, if anyone wants stability and security to prevail in the region, he should not ignore the solid facts in the region, among which is that people in this region do not accept injustice and humiliation and reject any occupation...

We hope that Europe will develop its relatively balanced position so that this position would become legitimate and clear enough. Everybody should look forward to the future.

Long live our glorious nation. Let us heed the call to jihad.

Long live the great Iraq. Long live Iraq. Long live Palestine, free and Arab. Shame and disgrace on the invading occupiers and their Zionist masters”.


[Dated] Mid-September 2003.



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