
Statement from the
Arab Ba'ath Socialist
Party (of Iraq)
- APRIL 30, 2004 -


Français - English - Español

One Arab Nation with Eternal Mission
Unity, Liberty, Socialism


Dignified Iraqis !

Glorious Daughters and Sons of the Arab Nation !

Ba’ath Comrades and Resistance Mujahideen !

The Ba’ath proved to have the correct strategic reading, concerning the growing armed resistance throughout Iraq since the beginning of the April Heroic Strike when the Party and the leadership of the Resistance and liberation planned the organized escalation based on strategic considerations foreseeing the Occupation, the actual political situation, conditions on the ground, organizing every resistance action to deal with the adequate situation in this Strike as a whole, and taking every appropriate action to counter the Occupiers political and administrative plans and commitments which are desperately trying to get some kind of success in Iraq on the long run.

The various Ba’ath political statements, starting with the political and strategic programme of the Resistance of September 9th 2003 up until now, show and confirm the Party's correct strategic analysis calling to enhance in the first place the military resistant action, and secondly strengthening the popular basis of the armed resistance.

Concerning this question we can observe the following :

1 - The correct Ba’athist ideological standards and political framing to help the Armed Resistance choose and determine its objectives and targets until the Occupiers and those who establish established a relation between the military occupation, its reality, structures, means, plans, and agents, be they Iraqis or non Iraqis are expelled and the country is liberated.

2 - the legitimate Armed Resistance rights to deal with the illegitimate Occupation and with what ever it has produced or produces. The situation must be read only through this prism either by Iraqis or non-Iraqis. On this basis, we can understand the Iraqi political development map, in its large titles (An Armed Resistance against American Occupation)

3 -The legitimacy of the armed resistance being non negotiable, in the face of the occupation, its titles, and products, and whatever needed time as long as there is something called Occupation regardless of the Occupiers political and administrative plans.

4 - The Iraqi Armed Resistance has demonstrated its ability, an oath taken by the Ba’ath, to snatch the initiative from the occupation forces, and to impose the conditions of the military actions on the Occupation forces as a whole and on its field commanders.

5 - The Ba’ath and the leadership of Resistance and Liberation Forces have indeed succeeded into changing the Occupation's military success into tactical and temporary achievements, compared with the open and long term armed confrontation with the Iraqi Armed Resistance Strategy which is not tied (as the American occupation, its allies and stooges are) to any political agenda other than the Resistance.

6 - the decisions taken by the Ba’ath and the Resistance to drop the Arab regimes and ignore them in the Resistance actions were correct, even if this could lead to a global crisis in the region. This was what the Ba’ath had predicted from the very beginning, and is what the countries of the region are living right now.

7 - The legitimacy of the Resistance and the Ba’ath's correct decision to support in every possible means the Armed Resistance and its continuity until total liberation, regardless of the Resistance political influence on the security and stability of the region and its Arab or non Arab countries.

The Ba’ath and the leadership of the Resistance and Liberation Forces based on correct strategic analysis, and the coordination of the resistance actions and the growing confrontation with the Occupation forces including the tactical objectives defined in the current 7th of April Ba’ath statement declared the start of the April Heroic Strike in the Western regions of the country and which spread to Baghdad and its surroundings, including the governorates of Diyala, Salahaldin, Ta'amim, Nineveh and Babylon. 

This Heroic Strike and what the growing confrontation is achieving in proud Fallujah, demands from the Ba’ath and the leadership of the Resistance and liberation, to be vigilant and prudent over what the enemy could prepare as a military response from one hand and what he could politically organize with some Iraqi puppet elements and countries in the region on the other :

The military confrontation in the Heroic April Strike shook the Occupation forces political authority, and forced the puppet Governing Council elements and components to change positions. The puppet Governing Council role has indeed come to an end. Thanks to the growing armed resistance.

The armed confrontation and its political and military weight on the American Occupation prompted some puppet Islamic parties in the Governing Council to act as mediators or plotters each one according to its sectarianism interests and regional contacts. On this light we can understand the role played by the puppet al D'awa party in the ongoing confrontation in Najaf backed by Iran, and the roles played by the Iraqi Islamic party in the ongoing confrontation in Fallujah backed by Saudi regime.

The Resistance and the military actions of the Iraqi national resistance, outside the leadership of resistance and liberation must have one common and ultimate goal: liberation, and must never be a political containment for different parties based on confessional shares or else, and it doesn't help threatening the Occupier to start an armed role outside the Resistance program.

The current Ba’ath April statement analysed and predicted this situation. From this national and legitimate view, the occupation has gone beyond every red line through the aggression and the occupation of the homeland. That is why everyone should combat it militarily. The deepening and growing Occupation impasse as diagnosed by Al Ba’ath months ago, have forced the Occupation to give up its initial plans trying in a desperate move to extricate itself, even partially, from the security and military impasse it was pushed into by Al Ba’ath and the armed Iraqi Resistance.

The occupation tries now to get some security guarantees from the tribes asking military commanders from the Iraqi disbanded army to command the puppet Iraqi army and to be in charge of security missions the occupation failed to assure because of the growing resistance. On this specific point the Ba’ath warns of these ways and means that deepen the Iraqi sectarian division considering it as a danger which could marginalize the state of the occupation of Iraq and the looting of its destinies if the security of any city or group was assured that who adopts and acts according to these plans amongst the military commanders, puts himself through his own choice on the list of the targets and targeted persons of the legitimate Iraqi Armed Resistance.

The exit of some components and elements of the puppet Governing Council after June 30th, will not prevent them from being targeted by the Iraqi legitimate armed Resistance, sooner or later they will get their punishment as traitors of the homeland.

The strategy and plans of Al Ba’ath and the objectives of the Resistance leadership, based on an open struggle agenda against the Occupation and its stooges inside Iraq and bearing in mind the impotency and plotting Arab regimes which lost the trust of their people, will certainly surprise, confuse and deepen even more the impasse of the Occupation and the crisis in the region in the next Arab summit.

Long live Iraq free and defeated be the occupation !
Long live the heroic Iraqi Armed Resistance !
Long live the Arab Ba’ath Socialist Party and its joyous followers !
Long live Comrade Secretary General Saddam Hussein the militant, the resistant and defiant in the Occupation jails !
Long live Palestine free, Arab and dignified !


The political information and publication Bureau
Of the Arab Ba’ath Socialist Party Iraq
April 30th 2004

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